/Sustainability/SDG 17: partnership for the goals

SDG 17: partnership for the goals

The Sustainable Development Goals have been put forward in an international cooperation of 193 UN member states. This collaboration is crucial: the goals can only be achieved in a global partnership in which all stakeholders join forces: governments, companies, research institutions and citizens.

At imec, we already have a long tradition of collaboration and co-creation, both with commercial and non-commercial partners such as universities worldwide and research organizations such as EnergyVille, VITO and VIB.

We also meet like-minded partners in cooperative frameworks such as the European Climate Pact and Leuven MindGate.

Together with our partners, we are committed to develop nano-enabled solutions in healthcare, energy, education, industry, city life and climate action.

We are convinced that cooperation is the cornerstone of a better world.



As a member of the association Leuven 2030, imec contributes to a healthy, livable and climate-neutral future for Leuven.