/Emulation of a mouse behavior to model experiment conditions

Emulation of a mouse behavior to model experiment conditions

Master projects/internships - Leuven | More than two weeks ago

Mice are utilized in medical trials, often small electronics are attach to the animals. This electronics to interact with data acquisition boards uses cables (coax or twisted pairs). However, the movement of the cable can lead to communication issues. Additionally, the weight and stiffness of the cable can induce stress in the animal. 

The objective of this project is to develop baes on a miniature robot a mimic of a mouse's behavior in a standard test environment. This robot will be employed to assess data transmission quality under realistic conditions and evaluate the impact of cable-induced stress on the animal.


  • Create a simple model to replicate a mouse behavior.
  • Select a robot.
  • Program the robot to follow the mouse model.
  • Evaluate the options to measure the loading cause by the cable.


Type of Project: Internship 

Master's degree: Master of Engineering Technology; Master of Science; Master of Engineering Science 

Master program: Electrotechnics/Electrical Engineering; Computer Science 

Duration: 4 - 6 months

For more information or application, please contact Abelardo Gonzalez Diaz (abelardo.gonzalezdiaz@imec.be)


Imec allowance will be provided for students studying at a non-Belgian university. 

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