/SPIE Photonex

SPIE Photonex

28 - 30 September 2021 | Virtual

The UK’s premier photonics event combined with Europe’s leading event for vacuum-enabled techniques and processes.

Join fellow academics, scientists, and engineers sharing the latest research in photonics, biophotonics, quantum technologies, hyperspectral imaging, lasers, optical technologies, materials analysis, nanotechnology, and thin film coatings vacuum equipment and in-vacuum technologies.

Featuring a 100-company exhibition with product demos, plenary presentations and technical workshops, and networking with exhibiting companies and colleagues.


Integrated Photonic technology for solid state lidar application and beyond – Amin Abbasi

Integrated photonic is penetrating different segments of the commercial market beyond classical tele/datacom where it provides distinct features such as compactness, low cost, reliable and robust solution. In this talk we will focus on these aspects and couple of applications will be introduced. Solid-state lidar has been an exciting research topic for quite a while. And now it’s finding its way into commercial products. Especially automotive applications, such as ADAS technologies, are craving compact, robust and inexpensive systems for 3D mapping  a car’s surroundings. Other applications for on-chip lidar are drone-enabled land surveying, robotics, wind monitoring, surveillance, and virtual reality.

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