/Building Trust in Health Data

Building Trust in Health Data

29 November - 01 December 2023 | Ghent, Belgium

What does it take so that all stakeholders can scale up and trust (re)using health data? 

This pivotal question lies at the heart of The European Institute for Innovation through Health Data (i~HD) Annual Conference 2023 “Building Trust in Health Data”, in collaboration with “Health Data Forum”.

The main goal is to equip participants with comprehensive knowledge and tools with the perspective to enable the greater uptake of digital health innovations that generate reliable data and allow trustworthy primary and secondary use of health data.

The conference will also embed European-funded projects, each sharing different approaches to addressing the challenges underlying the mission of this conference. By bringing these projects together, we are joining the dots from varying points of view to be able to have a shared vision and plan of action.

As a strategic partner, Imec shares its vision during the event.

More information and registration