/Connecting heterogeneous systems summit

Connecting heterogeneous systems summit

September 01 - 03, 2021 | Virtual event

This year, 3D & Systems Summit and MEMS & Imaging Sensors Summit will take place virtually, and co-located. 

The summit brings together thought leaders and industry experts from the entire 3D & Systems and packaging and, MEMS/imaging/sensor value chain to discuss the latest advancements in Heterogeneous Integration and sensing technology driving innovation in high end applications.


September 1

10:00 - 10:10: Opening Remarks by Session Chairs
Eric Beyne, Senior Fellow, VP R&D, Director 3D System Integration Program, imec

September 2

15:00 - 15:20: Integrated Sensors With Optical Readout: Optical Microphone and Pressure Sensors
Xavier Rottenberg, Scientific Director - Group Leader Wave-Based Sensors and Actuators, imec

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