17 - 22 September 2023 | Berlin, Germany
The European Microwave Conference (EuMC)
The European Microwave Integrated Circuits Conference (EuMIC)
The European Radar Conference (EuRAD
Differential GaN Power Amplifier with < 1° AM-PM Distortion
for 5G mm-Wave Applications by Dongyang Yan¹, Sehoon Park², Yang Zhang², Dries
Peumans¹, Mark Ingels², Piet Wambacq¹
IMEC and Vrije Universiteit Brussel, imec, Belgium
The Research View: 3 Pitches by European RTOs (FMD, IMEC & LETI)
by Gerhard Kahmen¹, Nadine Collaert², Martin Gallezot³
¹IHP/FMD, ²imec, ³LETI
GaN-on-Porous Silicon for RF applications by
Gilles Scheen¹, Romain Tuyaerts¹, Pieter Cardinael², Enriqué Ekoga¹, Khaled Aouadi¹, Christophe Pavageau¹, Amin Rassekh¹, Massinissa Nabet², Sachin Yadav³, Jean-Pierre Raskin², Bertrand Parvais³, Mostafa Emam¹
¹Incize, ²UCLouvain, ³imec, Belgium
Auto-Induced, Radiofrequency, Downlink Exposure Focused at
the Human Ear by Hanne Herssens¹, Arno Thielens¹
¹Ghent University-ime
Impact of Blockage on the Sensing Performance Using Distributed
MIMO Architecture by Adham Sakhnini¹, Mamoun Guenach², André Bourdoux²,
Sofie Pollin¹
¹IMEC and KU Leuven, ²imec
Focused Session Automotive
PMCW Radars Part 1
Chair: André Bourdoux¹
Co-Chair: Benjamin Nuss²
¹imec, ²Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Focused Session Automotive
PMCW Radars Part 2
Chair: André Bourdoux¹
Co-Chair: Alessio Filippi²
¹imec, ²NXP Semiconductors
Pi/K Phase Modulation for Large Scale MIMO Digitally Modulated
Radars in Automotive Applications by
Marc Bauduin¹, André Bourdoux¹
Mismatched Filters for HighVelocity Target Detection in
PMCW Radars by Adham Sakhnini¹, Marc Bauduin², André Bourdoux²,
Sofie Pollin¹
¹KU Leuven & IMEC, ²imec, Leuven
Non-automotive Applications of Millimeter-Wave Radars
André Bourdoux¹
Imaging by Automotive Radars
Chair: Alexander Yarovoy¹
Co-Chair: Marc Bauduin²
¹Delft University of Technology, ²Interuniversity Microelectronics Centre (Imec)
Heterogeneous Integration for Next Generation of Communication and Sensing
Chair: Nadine Collaert¹
3D Sequential Integration for RF Applications by Anne Vandooren
RF Si interposer enabling heterogeneous integration opportunities for wireless system by Xiao Sun
Multi-Tone Power Amplifier Characterization as Enabler of Higher Efficiencies and Better Linearity Under Wideband Modulation
Chair: Marc Vanden Bossche¹ Co-Chair: Dries Peumans²
¹NI, ²Vrije Universiteit Brussel - imec
Using Multi-Tones to Unravel the (Non)linear Performance of RF Power Amplifiers by
Dries Peumans¹
¹Vrije Universiteit Brussel - imec
Digital Predistortion and Multisines: A Good Marriage? by
Amedeo Varano¹
¹imec – Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Antenna Array Design in Multilayer PCB Allowing Chip-Embedding and Air-Filled Substrate Integrated Waveguides for D-Band Radar Applications by Francesco Filice¹
¹IMEC, Belgium
The 26th edition of the European Microwave Week (EuMW 2023) will come to Berlin to continue the annual series of highly successful microwave events that started back in 1998. EuMW 2023 comprises three co-located conferences:
• The European Microwave Conference (EuMC)
• The European Microwave Integrated Circuits Conference (EuMIC)
• The European Radar Conference (EuRAD)
In addition, EuMW 2023 includes the Forum on Defence, Security and Space, the Automotive Forum, the 5G/6G Industrial Radio Forum, and an extensive trade show. EuMW 2023 provides the opportunity to participate in conferences, workshops, short courses, and special events such as Women in Microwave Engineering.
The annual European Microwave Exhibition, which is by far the largest RF and microwave trade show in Europe, is held in conjunction with the conferences. The exhibition also includes a series of technical seminars and exhibitor workshops describing commercial products and processes.