June 16, 2021 | 09:00 – 10:30, Online
Tomas Ambra, Logistics Research lead at imec and vice-chair for CHS at ETP-Alice, will be giving a workshop about PILL and the benefits of physical internet in port activities at IPIC. IPIC stands for International Physical Internet Conference: a conference meant to boost physical internet to Europe.
The overall objective of the Physical Internet Living Lab (PILL) project is to build an information system prototype that will be needed to establish a maritime port as a part of the Physical Internet (PI). PILL addresses several aspects such as operations in logistics nodes, network resilience, exploitation of IoT and contextual data, transparency levels, as well as establishing business and governance models. The main testbeds concern the Port of Antwerp and Port Zeebrugge. The 21 companies and organizations involved in PILL are a testament to the fact that PILL is grounded by the industry. The PILL workshop, by Tomas Ambra, will be relevant to Port Authorities, Shippers, Terminal operators, Transport providers, Technology integrators, governmental agencies and industry organizations. Each of these entities can derive different types of valorization benefits from the PILL outcomes. These benefit types are: