/Optica 4th Virtual Technology Showcase

Optica 4th Virtual Technology Showcase

October 13 - 14, 2021 | Virtual Event | 09:30 EST (UTC - 04:00)

A Unique Product Presentation & Networking Event

The Technology Showcase is a 2-day program, consisting of two parts.

  • Showcase Presentations – Participating companies will present their latest products and technologies. This will be followed by a brief Q&A session, where you'll have an opportunity to ask your questions to the speakers directly. 

  • Networking – Join participating company representatives in a virtual networking space to meet face to face and make new connections. Networking will be available both days for the duration of the full program.


Amin Abbasi presenting Integrated Photonics and Imec 8-Inch Wafer-Scale CMOS Line for Prototyping and Volume Manufacturing

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