/Small Satellite conference

Small Satellite conference

August 03 - 08, 2024 | Logan, USA

The 38th Annual Small Satellite Conference explores how automation is being integrated into small satellite systems across the space, launch, ground, and user segments, making them smarter and more effective.


Thursday August 8, 9 AM - 12h30PM - A New Generation of Hyperspectral Imagers for Small Satellites - Klaas Tack, Bavo Delauré, Bert Geelen, Wouter Charle - imec


The 38th Annual Small Satellite Conference explores how automation is being integrated into small satellite systems across the space, launch, ground, and user segments, making them smarter and more effective.

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On Monday 5 August (11 AM-12:30 PM, room ECC 203). Imec will host a workshop: "On-chip spectral imaging - unleashing spectral vision to small satellites".

In this workshop imec provides an overview of their latest developments and achievements to integrate spectral filters on imaging chips. Imec makes hyperspectral imaging accessible with standard sensor offerings for earth observation as well as customized solutions, on small to large area sensors and with multi- or hyperspectral imaging capabilities. Join the workshop to learn more about the possibilities offered by on-chip integrated spectral imaging. 

Program: 11 AM-12:30 PM

11h-11h30: imec spectral imaging on chip technology - Wouter Charle, Program Manager Spectral Imaging On-Chip

11h30-12h: New spectral detector for earth observation from space - Bavo Delauré, Principal Member of Technical Staff 

12h-12h30: Networking coffee

