/Expertise/Health technologies/Advanced Therapies roundtables: exploring innovations in deep tech to elevate cell and gene therapies

Advanced Therapies roundtables: exploring innovations in deep tech to elevate cell and gene therapies

Advanced Therapies Weeks are organized twice a year in Europe and the USA, bringing together the breadth of the industry to provide practical insights, networking opportunities, and valuable content.

Cell and gene therapies (CGT) are revolutionizing healthcare by offering innovative approaches to treat a wide range of medical conditions, including cancer, genetic disorders, and degenerative disease.

Imec believes technology has a big role to play in achieving this transformation. Provided that we make the right choices. To find out what those choices are, we have been assessing the needs within the CGT community during roundtables at multiple Advanced Therapies Weeks in Europe and the USA.

Moderated by Peter Peumans, imec’s health technologies CTO, the roundtables are joined by major stakeholders from the life sciences industry, instrumentation companies, investors, and consulting firms to discuss the major challenges today and in the future.

The key takeaways from these discussions are presented in the below reports. We hope they can be the starting point for further conversations about the role of deep tech in advancing one of the most exciting therapeutic domains.

Download reports

  1. Shedding light into the black box: might deep tech enable improved cell and gene therapies?
    Advanced Therapies USA, January 2023
  2. How can deep tech improve cell therapy precision, turnaround time and yield?
    Advanced Therapies Europe, September 2023

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