/200 mm wafer level processing of QDot™ quantum dot n-type ink

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200 mm wafer level processing of QDot™ quantum dot n-type ink

Quantum Solutions demonstrated the 200 mm wafer level processing of QDot™ quantum dot n-type ink

About Quantum Solutions:

Quantum Solutions develops and manufactures quantum dot “wide-range” sensors and materials for “superhuman” vision, enabling the capture of images invisible to the naked eye. This includes lower-energy SWIR and MWIR spectrums, as well as higher-energy UV and X-ray light ranges. Cameras equipped with these sensors can find numerous applications across various fields, including robotics, machine vision, the automotive industry, security, and consumer electronics. We envision a future where cameras with augmented vision become the standard in our world. Contact us at info@quantum-solutions.com to discuss your needs for enabling the next generation of imaging systems.