/65 nm SET Evaluation under Two-photon Laser test

65 nm SET Evaluation under Two-photon Laser test

Leuven | More than two weeks ago

Unlocking a deeper understanding of SET under TPA laser energy, filling the crucial gap in the relationship between Laser energy and heavy ion LET in the context of 65 nm technology.

Single-event effects (SEEs) pose significant threats to microelectronic devices operating in space environments. When particles strike sensitive regions of microelectronic devices, ionization creates free charges, leading to momentary single-event transient (SET) voltage perturbations. These SET occurrences in analog circuits or combinatorial logic are at the root of various SEEs, such as SEU and SEFI.

Understanding and evaluating SET is pivotal in comprehending SEEs within the 65 nm technology. A test chip, named Godzilla, was specifically designed and fabricated in 2019 to characterize SET in terms of total charge and duration. Successful heavy ion testing in 2021 provided valuable insights into the relationship between heavy ion energy Linear Energy Transfer (LET) and SET duration and pulse duration. This data serves as a calibration tool for the DARE65 SET striker model, crucial for radiation-hardening design based on the DARE65 platform.

Despite the effectiveness of heavy ion testing, its costliness and limited debugging flexibilities prompt the exploration of alternatives. The two-photon absorption laser (TPA) presents a more cost-effective and flexible option for debugging. However, in the context of 65 nm technology, the correlation between Laser energy and heavy ion LET remains unknown. To expand SEE evaluation capabilities, extracting the SET effect under TPA laser energy becomes imperative.

To establish the relationship between Laser energy and SET duration as well as pulse duration, a Two-Photon Absorption Laser (TPL) test will be conducted on the Godzilla chip. This experiment aims to extract the relationship between Laser energy and SET characteristics. Subsequently, correlating Laser energy with heavy ion LET will provide vital insights into SEE performance. This comprehensive information will offer an additional method to assess SEE performance, complementing the heavy ion test, and thereby enhancing flexibility in evaluating radiation hardening designs.

The proposed TPL test on the Godzilla chip holds the promise of unlocking a deeper understanding of SET under TPA laser energy, filling the crucial gap in the relationship between Laser energy and heavy ion LET in the context of 65 nm technology. This advancement will significantly contribute to augmenting the evaluation of SEEs, fostering enhanced radiation-hardening design strategies.

Main taks

  • PCB Design for TPL Test: Based on the existing test chip (Godzilla), create a Printed Circuit Board (PCB) optimized for the Two-Photon Absorption Laser (TPL) test setup.
  • Comprehensive Test Plan: Develop an exhaustive test plan encompassing all relevant test cases to ensure thorough coverage.
  • Enhanced Test Program: Optimize the current test program for increased efficiency, incorporating improvements to streamline the testing process.
  • Laser Testing at ADVISE Lab, KU Leuven: Conduct the Two-Photon Absorption Laser (TPL) test at the ADVISE lab, situated at campus Geel, KU Leuven.
  • Data Analysis and Comparison: Analyze the data acquired from the TPL test and compare it with results obtained from previous heavy ion tests.
  • Correlation Establishment: Build a robust correlation model between heavy-ion Linear Energy Transfer (LET) and Two-Photon Absorption Laser (TPL) energy based on the gathered data.
  • Paper Composition: Compile a comprehensive research paper detailing the collected data, analysis, and insights derived from the comparison between TPL and heavy ion tests.

Type of project: Thesis

Duration: 6 months

Required degree: Master of Engineering Technology

Required background: Electrotechnics/Electrical Engineering

Supervising scientist(s): For further information or for application, please contact: Zheyi Li (Zheyi.Li@imec.be) and Laurent Berti (Laurent.Berti@imec.be)

Imec allowance will be provided.

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