/MICLEDI Microdisplays Announces Agreement with GlobalFoundries to Collaborate on MicroLED Displays for AR Glasses

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MICLEDI Microdisplays Announces Agreement with GlobalFoundries to Collaborate on MicroLED Displays for AR Glasses

About MICLEDI Microdisplays

MICLEDI Microdisplays is a fabless developer of microLED display modules for the augmented reality (AR) market. The company was spun-out from imec, a highly respected Belgian R&D center, in 2019. MICLEDI’s technology is based on an innovative combination of III/V materials processing, 3D integration and 300mm silicon-based processing combined with a proprietary ASIC to provide a self-contained, compact monolithic AR display with high image quality and power efficiency. For more information, visit www.micledi.com.


  1. Source: MarketsandMarkets. https://www.marketsandmarkets.com/Market-Reports/augmented-reality-market-82758548.html?gclid=Cj0KCQiAmeKQBhDvARIsAHJ7mF7ZyQ1FAVBNq2dlUyadghTv2Lu-7uYuYxvgiea8XWHHki6Cq_QGfVgaAl0uEALw_wcB