/3D Tomographic Metrology for 𝝁-Display Samples

3D Tomographic Metrology for 𝝁-Display Samples

Master projects/internships - Brussel | More than two weeks ago

Explore the latest developments in micro-display technology, including defect inspection techniques, and gain hands-on experience with microscope

The future of displays, such as those for VR (virtual reality), AR (argument reality), relies on efficient production technology, including effective defect inspection. In this project, out team aims to develop an advanced microscope known as the Fourier Ptychographic Microscope (FPM) for detecting defects in micro-LED displays. The FPM utilize innovative algorithms to reconstruct 3D objects with sub-micron resolution and a wide field-of-view, making it suitable for single-shot µ-display metrology. This approach offers an alternative and cost-effective solutions to traditional microscopes.
The primary objective of this project is to conduct inspection of micro-display samples. The candidate will be learning on demonstrating the in-house developed FPM to inspect multiple samples, such as pyramid 3D patterns, RGB quantum dots displays, star-section resolution target samples, etc. The topic involves defect model analysis, categorizing defects type for collaboration with other researchers responsible for deep-learning based inspection studies.

  • Conduct microscope measurements (@the VUB optics lab and VUB/imec cleanroom) 
  • Perform Image processing (MATLAB, Python) 
  • Defect inspection analysis and classification 
  • Successful work may lead to journal publications 

Type of Project: Thesis (bachelor or master)

Master's degree: Master of Engineering Technology; Master of Engineering Science; Master of Bioengineering. Also open for Bachelor students. 

Master program: Computer Science; Electromechanical engineering; Electrotechnics/Electrical Engineering; Nanoscience & Nanotechnology. Also open for Bachelor students.

For more information or application, please contact Hyun-su Kim (hyun-su.kim@imec.be).


Only for self-supporting students. 

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