/Expertise/Sensor solutions for IoT/Connected car technology

Connected car technology

Now is the time to prepare for a future where every car will have at least one high-speed wireless connection. Imec helps you to compare and implement advanced technologies. 

In a world where everyone and everything is connected, cars will be no exception. Soon, they will evolve to IoT devices on wheels.

Current connected car features, such as mayday systems, over-the-air software updates and even infotainment streaming can manage with existing network technologies, such as 3G, 4G and WiFi.

But advanced ADAS solutions and C-ITS applications will require wireless technologies that combine:

  • extremely high throughputs
  • ultra-low latencies
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Double challenge for automotive companies

For automotive companies and their suppliers, the challenge is not only to identify and implement the connected car technologies that fit their needs. They also need a clear view on the chances of those technologies in the context of market and regulatory forces.

As an independent R&D center, imec can help you on both accounts.

Thanks to our pioneering research into compact, high-throughput and power-efficient solutions for wireless communication, we can:

  1. Objectively assess the advantages and drawbacks of various current connected car technologies or protocols such as ITS-G5 and CV2X. Design future vehicular communication technologies that combine new radio and network features, including new 5G architectures. And develop high-performance testbeds that allow you to compare them in real-life conditions.
  2. Help you to implement, improve and miniaturize current systems such as mmWave phased array transceivers and ADCs as well as integrate them with ADAS sensor and AI technology.

Imec’s ADC with record low-power consumption of 61.3 mW

Work with us on connected car technology

Want to accelerate your R&D? You’re welcome to:

  • join one of our research programs to evaluate technology options
  • license our technological building blocks to use them in your own solutions
  • enter into an exclusive bilateral collaboration with imec’s R&D team

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