/Researcher for 5G and 6G electromagnetic field exposure modelling and assessment

Researcher for 5G and 6G electromagnetic field exposure modelling and assessment

Gent Zwijnaarde | More than two weeks ago

What you will do

5th and 6th generation wireless networks use techniques as beamforming, massive antenna systems, distributed systems, and new spectrum bands to realize ubiquitous connectivity. The resulting radio-frequency (RF) electromagnetic (EM) fields enable us with connectivity and wireless communication. However, people are exposed to the EM fields of these networks, and governments and the general public are worried about possible health effects when being exposed during long periods of time.
The new 5G networks alter our everyday exposure to environmental RF-EMF. Smart-city networks are starting to apply RF-EMF monitoring of the radiation of these wireless communications using geographically distributed sensors, and applying the Internet-of-Things (IoT). This research fits in a European Project where EM fields in different European countries are investigated. Important research domains in this context are:
•    Spatial modelling of 5G EM fields in e.g. cities
•    Temporal modelling of 5G EM fields
•    Experimental assessment of 5G and 6G electromagnetic fields
•    6G human electromagnetic exposure assessment
•    Absorption assessment in the human body

Research group

The "WAVES" research group (http://www.waves.intec.ugent.be/) is the expertise center of the Department of Information Technology of Ghent University/IMEC in Belgium for physical-layer research of advanced wireless networks, bioelectromagnetics, and measurements, simulations and modeling of the radio channel and electromagnetic exposure of current and future wireless networks.

Who you are

We are looking for enthusiastic candidates to perform research in the domains above in both national and international projects. Candidates with a Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering, Physics Engineering, or a related Master of Science degree qualify for this research job.


If you are interested in this position, please send your application letter and cv to:
Isabelle Van der Elstraeten
Ghent University
iGent, Technologiepark-Zwijnaarde 126
9052 Gent, BELGIUM - Tel.: +32-9-2643321
e-mail: isabelle.vanderelstraeten@ugent.be

Questions concerning the position can also be sent to this email address.

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