More than 50 demos selected for ITF Belgium
In the course of April, imec selected from among hundred entries more than 50 demos and prototypes to be showcased at the annual ITF Belgium conference on May 16-17. The demos have imec technology inside, and show the latest developments in diverse applications domains, including smart cities, sustainable energy, smart health, smart industry, smart mobility and media. ITF attendees will be able to discuss the technologies with the researchers behind the demos, who are currently making the final preparations. On the website of ITF Belgium, you can find a foretaste of the selected demos. Not yet registered for ITF? Reserve your ticket via
New record efficiencies for imec’s perovskite and bifacial n-PERT solar cells
Imec achieved breakthrough results for two types of solar cells. On the one hand, imec, a partner in EnergyVille, realized n-PERT bifacial solar cells with a record-setting front side efficiency of 22.8%. These solar cells can harvest sunlight at both sides of the cell. The newly developed bifacial solar cell technology promises a low cost-of-ownership at module level. On the other hand, imec, partner in Solliance, developed a 4x4cm2 perovskite module with a conversion efficiency of 12.4%. Perovskite modules rely on a thin-film technology and could eventually be integrated in building materials. Imec not only demonstrated a very good performance, also the stability of the new perovskite module was outstanding. You can find more details on imec’s website.
Smart shirt of imec and Holst Centre monitors breathing, cardiac activity and motion
Monitoring your heart rate with a chest band or Holter monitor? You can do it in a more comfortable way as well... At MedTech Europe in Stuttgart (April 4-6), imec and Holst Centre demonstrated a prototype smart shirt with integrated sensors that monitor breathing and motion, and enable a medical grade electrocardiagram monitoring. The sensors and electronics are printed on textile in thin layers of only 60 micrometer, and are up to 100% stretchable. The shirt is completely washable. Read the press release for more info.
Imec welcomes its core partners
Every six months, imec invites its core partners to learn about imec’s latest research results. In the last week of April, imec welcomed about 500 people to attend presentations by imec’s scientists and residents. The content-rich program included contributions on, among others, the latest memory technologies and transistor architectures, the status of lithography, 3D integration technologies, interconnect technologies, Si photonics and an update on imec’s GaN program. Next PTW (Program Technical Week) is scheduled for October 2017.
Eric Beyne receives European SEMI Award for 2016
Eric Beyne, Fellow and Program Director 3D System Integration at imec, is among the three recipients of the European SEMI Award for 2016. Eric Beyne received the award in recognition of outstanding contributions in the field of 3D integration. Eric Beyne joint imec in 1986, mainly focusing on the development of advanced packaging and interconnect technologies. Also Rolf Aschenbrenner from Fraunhofer, Germany, and Gilles Poupon from CEA-Leti, France, were awarded. You find more info on the award and its recipients here.
Published on:
5 May 2017